Covid measures

At our office

To minimize the spread of the Coronavirus as much as possible, we have adapted our way of working to the following:

  • A maximum of 2 persons per animal are allowed into the waiting room. After entering, you will be asked to sit on the chairs in front of the window, more than one and a half meters from the desk.
  • The interview takes place in the waiting room. After everything has been entered into the computer. Your pet is taken over by us into the consultation room.
  • While Mrs. Romkes examine your pet in the consultation room, you will be asked to wait in the waiting room.
  • After the examination, the results and the proposed treatment will be discussed with you in the waiting room.
  • Contactless payment is possible at the pin machine. We offer you a clean cotton tip to enter your pin code.
  • We try to schedule appointments well, so that there will be no waiting time between patients.
  • After each visit, all contact points (door handles, chairs, pin machine and desk) are cleaned by the assistant before the next patient and owner are allowed entering the waiting room.
  • We ask you to arrive on time. If you are too early it is unfortunately no longer possible to wait in the waiting room and we will ask you to wait outside or in the car.
  • I you are too late, a new appointment need to be made. Unfortunately, costs will be charged for the reserved time.

The collection of follow-up medication is only done by appointment and after consultation by telephone. In addition to these measures, we ask you to follow the guidelines of the RIVM:

  • Do not shake hands / sneeze or cough in the elbow / stay at least 1.5 meters apart, even when you are wearing a mouth mask.
  • Stay home in case of:
    Cold / Runny nose / Sneezing / Sore throat / Mild cough / Elevation (from 38 degrees)
    In case a home mate has cold issues with high temperature and/or short breath.

While many changes result in an impersonal approach, we hope you understand that we are doing this for your and our health.In this way we hope to be able to provide care for our eye patients for as long as possible.

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